Game Rooms can be extravagant or practical, whichever scenario you prefer, we can create both. From basic to outrageous; it is the room you look forward to relaxing in. Perhaps your vision of a Game Room is one where you entertain occasionally during the playoff season and have one large HDTV flat panel, a universal remote, and theater seating for six. Alternatively, some might imagine their Game Room having three large plasma screen HDTV’s (one for each simultaneous game), a gaming console (Xbox, Wii, and a PS3) for each plasma, seating for your twelve best friends, a real time sports ticker, 7.2 surround sound, and a system controller with ESPN web access on the touch screen remote for the ultimate game day experience. Home Theater Integrators has been creating Media Rooms, Game Rooms and Personal Theaters for years, our clients love our work, read our reviews with Customer Lobby. Want a turnkey exclusive? Our team of experts will custom design, custom build, custom wire, and custom install the ultimate Game Room for your home. We sell only top name electronics, our product line consists of only the best affordable AV equipment in the area. We are licensed, bonded, and insured.