Many custom installation companies are pushing iPod docks as a way to listen to an MP3 library through loud speakers. Although this is a simple and cost effective solution as a way to avoid the earbuds, it is not the preferred method. The first problem is, you'll have two repositories for your music files, one on your computer's hard drive and the second on the iPod itself. The issue is, unless you sync your iPod regularly, you will not have access to the latest music downloads through your stereo like you would if you play the music on your stereo directly from the computer hard drive itself. This method is setting up the computer as a media server and the stereo as a media player. The next problem you'll likely encounter is, using the iPod as a media player will compress the music file where high-fidelity is not available. The minimum recommended digital stream bit-rate is 192 Kbps (kilo bits per second). The iPod stream rate is much lower than 192Kbps. You will miss the hi-highs and the lo-lows. Just not recommended for the audiophile. So, back to the solution as mentioned earlier. By playing the music files directly from the computer hard drive, you are hearing the music as intended by the artist, the sound engineer, and the producer. The reason for this is, this method presents the music in an un-compressed format. So ditch the iPod dock and trade it in for a stereo media player. We can setup your computer as a media player and and you'll never need to sync you iPod again.